My Club Members



Newsletter Create a simple newsletter online and email it automatically to all your members. Reduce your postage costs and send simple and easy formatted newsletters..

Send to groups within your club for their own categorised Newsletter.

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Subscriptions The subscriptions module will allow the system to automatically email out members 30 days and 7 days prior to membership renewal. Specify membership types, fees and when subscription will start/renew.

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Database Your own membership database can be tailored to suit your own organisation. You can define your own membership categories, add coach or umpire/referee categories and show the titles of office bearers.

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This section lists the clubs you are a member of. A green tick against the Club name (on the list on the left) indicates you can administer that club.

If you are not a member of a club yet you can create your own club. When you create a club it will be placed on hold until authorised by Admin.(this is to prevent spammers accessing the system). Once approved you will receive an email notification, normally within 24 hours.

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